Sunol Regional Wilderness
For the cacophonous and chromatic convergence of water and wildflowers in spring, few places compare to Sunol Regional Wilderness, where Alameda Creek thunders through Little Yosemite Gorge below Canyon View Trail, a prime promenade for mavens of floral marvels. But Sunol is a treat in any season. A hike up Indian Joe Creek Trail to Cave Rocks, farther up to Vista Grande and back down by way of Flag Hill offers a memorable bang for the aesthetic – and aerobic – buck.
A hiker breezes past the blue-eyed grass on Vista Grande Trail.
Alameda Creek roils through the rocky maze of Little Yosemite Gorge.
A checkerspot savors the flavors of telegraphweed on Indian Joe Creek Trail.
A bale of Western pond turtles bakes along Vista Grande Trail.
Wind poppy, McCorkle Trail.
A valley oak on Cerro Este Road spreads refreshing shade on a hot August afternoon.
A California buttercup graces Indian Joe Creek Trail.
Flag Hill in spring. In the background rise Maguire Peaks.
Flag Hill’s face features sandstone outcrops that geologists consider simply fossiliferous.
Scarlet pimpernel crowds the shoulder of McCorkle Trail.
Foggy morning at Cave Rocks.
Canyon View Trail features flocks of bird’s-eyes.
The view south from Cerro Este Road.
Purple nightshade brightens Canyon View Trail.
The view north from Vista Grande Road on a grey January morning.
The summit of Flag Hill flaunts a bouquet of silver bush lupine.